Beyond the Genome Challenges |
BTG11: Viral Insertion | | Identify the virus in a cancer exome sequencing project |
BTG12: Digital Encoding | | Identify the secret message inserted into a microbial genome |
BTG13: Metagenomics Variants | | Identify the secret message encoded as variants within a metagenomics sample |
Genomics |
Read Mapping | | Read mapping, identifying variants, running BWA/SAMTools |
RNA-seq Analysis | | Read mapping, computing expression, running Bowtie/Tophat/Cufflinks |
Genome assembly | | De novo assembly and error correction, whole genome alignment |
Coverage analysis | | Coverage analysis using plane-sweep algorithms |
Probability and Statistics |
Rolling a die | | Uniform Random Probability |
Flipping a coin | | Binimal and Normal Distributions |
Marbles in jars | | Poisson Distribution |
Throwing darts | | Exponential Distribution |
Negative Binomial | | Negative Binomial Distribution |
Computing |
Python Basics 1 | | Introduction to python, variables, lists, conditions, loops |
Python Basics 2 | | Brute force search, dictionaries, motif finding |
Hadoop | | Getting started with Hadoop, kmer counting and word analysis |
Online Resources |
NCBI | | PubMed, Genomes, Genbank, SRA |
UCSC Genome Browser | | Interactive genome plots, coverage, annotations |
Galaxy | | Interactive genome analysis (CSHL version) |
SeqAnswers | | Forums and tutorials for genomics analysis |
Khan Academy | | Videos and Tutorials on many science and mathematics related topics |
CiteULike | | Social networking for citations and papers |
Rosalind | | Programming and Bioinformatics exercises |
JHU Comp Genomics | | iPython Notebooks of basic string algorithms |
FASTQ trimming and error correction |
FASTX-Tools | | Filter and trim fastq files |
Quake | | Error Correction of Short Reads |
Aligners and variant callers |
Bowtie/Bowtie2 | | Ultra-fast short read mapping with the BWT |
BWA | | Feature rich short read alignment |
SAMTools | | SAM/BAM alignment filtering and scoring |
Picard | | SAM/BAM alignment filtering |
BedTools | | Slice and dice genomics intervals |
GATK | | Variant calling |
Hydra | | Structural Variations calling with discordant pair analysis |
RNA-seq Analysis |
TopHat | | Spliced alignment for RNA-seq |
Cufflinks | | Transcript assembly and quantification |
Trinity | | De novo transcript assembly and quantification |
Assembly and Whole Genome Alignment |
ALLPATHS-LG | | Assembly of short reads |
SOAPdenovo | | Assembly of short reads |
Celera Assembler | | Assembly of long reads |
MUMmer | | Whole Genome Alignment |
AMOS | | Assembly and assembly related tools |
Statistics and Visualization |
Canopy | | Python Integrated Development Environment |
matplotlib | | Visualization in python |
R | | Statistics and visualization |
Circos | | Circular plots of genomes and other data |
Graphviz | | Layout and render graphs |
Weka | | Data Mining and classification |
IGV | | Interactive Genomics Viewer for short reads |