
Our main research interest is in understanding the structure and function of genomes, especially those of medical or agricultural importance. The core strength of our research is in developing novel algorithms and computational systems for large-scale biological sequence analysis, including leading algorithms for de novo genome assembly, variant detection, and related –omics assays. Using these advances we have contributed to the de novo genome assemblies of dozens of species; probed the sequence variations related to autism, cancer, and other human diseases; mapped the transcriptional and epigenetic profiles of tomatoes, corn, and other important plant species; and explored the role of microbes in different environments. In response to the deluge of biological sequence data we are now facing, we have also been at the forefront of distributed and parallel computing in genomics, and have pioneered the use of cloud computing as an enabling platform to address the big data challenges we are all facing.

Looking forward, we see ourselves at the intersection of biotechnology and algorithmics, developing systems for probing the structure and function of genomes using the best technologies possible. Our expertise spans from low level computer architecture, through sequencing, de novo assembly, variant identification, transcriptome & other -omics data and up to machine learning approaches to build predictive models of diseases and treatment response. In addition to ongoing projects in autism, cancer, and other human diseases, we also study agricultrual systems to better understand the underlying genotype to phenotype relations. Altogether, we intend to develop powerful new methods for analyzing large collections of genomes to address questions of disease, development, and evolution. Among other recognition, for this work I was granted an NSF CAREER award, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, and was named a TIME100 recipient in 2022.

Recent News
» Interspecies regulatory landscapes and elements revealed by novel joint systematic integration of human and mouse blood cell epigenomes
July 1, 2024
» How a small group of scientists and educators are enhancing the diversity of the genomics workforce
June 6, 2024
» The complete sequence and comparative analysis of ape sex chromosomes
May 29, 2024
» MEM-based pangenome indexing for k-mer queries
May 22, 2024
» The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible, and collaborative data analyses: 2024 update
May 21, 2024
(past news)

Upcoming Events

~~ 2024 ~~

» Galaxy Community Conference
Brno, CZ, June, 2024
» Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Precision Health
Sept, 2024
» American Society of Human Genetics
Denver CO, November. 2024
» Biological Data Science
CSHL, NY. November 13-16 2024
~~ 2025 ~~

» Plant and Animal Genomes Conference (PAG)
San Diego, CA. Jan 2025
» Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT)
Marco Island, FL. Feb 2025
» Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Ag
Orlando, FL. March 2025
» Biology of Genomes
CSHL, NY. May 2025
(presentation archive)

Michael Schatz

Bloomberg Distinguished
Professor of Computer Science
and Biology

CS office and Mailing address:
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Computer Science
3400 N Charles St
Malone Hall 323
Baltimore, MD 21218

Department of Biology:
UTL 391 (office)
UTL 398 (lab and conference room)

Cell: (703) 966-1987
E-mail: mschatz <at> cs.jhu.edu
Twitter: @mike_schatz
LinkedIn: mschatz
BlueSky: mikeschatz.bsky.social